At Get Solar we only install the top rated technology from the most trusted manufacturers to ensure that your system is installed and performing well. We stake our reputation on sourcing and installing only top rated parts, panels, and systems. As technology continues to create more efficient … [Read more...]
How Does a PPA Impact Home Value?
In Las Vegas real estate buyers often come from out of the market to purchase a home. A fair percentage of homes are purchased by management companies with the intent to lease out the property for profit. The value a person purchasing a home versus the way a management company purchasing a home may … [Read more...]
What’s the Difference Between a Solar Lease & a Power Purchase Agreement?
In a solar lease, the solar energy developer and the land owner agree to a fixed rate to install solar panels on their property to produce solar energy. This may include a single payment to the developer to eventually buy the panels, or may be a way to defer the cost of panel installation and keep … [Read more...]
How Does A PPA Work?
In a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), the energy producer (Us) commits to supplying a specified quantity of electricity to the power purchaser (You) for a predetermined duration. This duration often ranges between 10 years and 30 years. Throughout this agreement, the power purchaser remunerates a … [Read more...]
What is a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)?
In the context of renewable energy, a Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) is a long term-agreement between a renewable energy producer (eg; a solar energy developer) and a power purchaser, such as an energy retailer or a utility company. … [Read more...]